Strawberries can be a delicious addition to your desserts and smoothies, and you don’t need a garden to grow them. Even if you’re working with a small space, hanging strawberry varieties can thrive on a balcony or terrace. Here’s how to select the right varieties, choose suitable containers, and provide the care they need for a fruitful harvest.

Growing in a Small Space: Is It Possible?

hanging strawberry varieties transform balcony small garden saving space facilitating maintenance plants

Hanging Strawberry Varieties Transform Small Spaces

Gardening enthusiasts don’t need a sprawling garden to cultivate strawberries. With hanging pots and containers, you can transform a small balcony or terrace into a productive garden space. These containers are not only practical but also space-saving, allowing for easy maintenance and efficient use of limited areas.

Are Hanging Strawberry Varieties More Resistant?

hanging strawberry in pot grow shelter hanging containers prevent bad weather pests

Hanging strawberries are resilient and well-suited for smaller environments. These plants, when grown in hanging containers, are protected from adverse weather and pests. They also conserve water and can produce fruit from early spring until the first frosts. This makes them a great choice for urban gardeners seeking a continuous harvest.

How to Adopt Hanging Strawberry Varieties on Your Balcony or Terrace

what variety of hanging strawberry mara bois gariguette manille maestro nova gento charlotte magnum

Selecting the Right Varieties

Choosing the best strawberry varieties for hanging pots involves considering their size, habit, and productivity. Ideal varieties for balcony cultivation include:

  • Mara des Bois
  • Gariguette
  • Mariguette (a hybrid of the first two)
  • Charlotte
  • Maestro
  • Magnum
  • Mount Everest
  • Gourmandine
  • Nova Gento
  • Manille

These varieties are noted for their compact size, minimal stolons, and high yields. They also exhibit good disease resistance and offer excellent flavor.

Choosing the Right Containers

For hanging strawberries, select containers that are 15 to 35 cm deep. Ensure that the soil used is a mix of garden soil and compost, with a layer of pebbles or gravel at the bottom for drainage. Proper drainage is crucial to avoid waterlogging, which can lead to root rot.

How to Care for Strawberries in Hanging Pots

growing strawberries on the sunny balcony suitable cultivar suitable soil suitable watering

Watering and Feeding

Water your hanging strawberries regularly, adjusting based on weather conditions. Use a narrow-necked watering can to avoid wetting the leaves and minimize water waste. Since rainfall may be inconsistent, monitor the moisture levels in the containers closely.

For feeding, use a potash-based fertilizer, preferably a liquid formula. This will support healthy growth and fruit production.

Pollination and Maintenance

Hanging strawberries generally do well with natural pollination, but if needed, you can assist by gently rubbing two neighboring flowers to transfer pollen.

Ensure that each pot accommodates several plants but avoid overcrowding. Regularly check that the roots are not freezing and adjust watering to prevent sogginess.

In Summary

Growing strawberries in hanging pots on a balcony or terrace is not only feasible but also highly rewarding. By choosing the right varieties, using suitable containers, and providing proper care, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of sweet, fresh strawberries. With these tips, you can make the most of your small outdoor space and indulge in homegrown fruits throughout the season.