Columbines are charming perennials that add a delicate touch to any garden, especially when planted in groups. With their elegant appearance and drooping leaves atop long flower stems, they create a stunning visual effect. Their diverse blooms allow you to play with colors and pair them with other perennials for a vibrant display. Want to learn how to plant and propagate columbines? Follow our comprehensive guide!

How to Plant and Propagate Columbines

multiply columbines 2024

Where and When to Plant Them?

Choosing the right location for your columbines is crucial, as they prefer to stay put once established. Here are some tips for planting:

  • Sunlight: Opt for a sunny or partially shaded area with fresh soil. Ideal spots include the base of deciduous trees or bright undergrowth.
  • Soil Preference: While columbines are adaptable, they thrive in humus-rich, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Mixing in some compost during planting will enhance growth.
  • Acidic Soils: Columbines tolerate acidic soils well and can coexist with other heather plants.

Best Planting Time

  • Autumn or Spring: The ideal planting times are autumn or spring, avoiding frost periods.
  • Sowing: If sowing directly in the ground, wait until April, ensuring the soil temperature is above 12 degrees Celsius. For colder regions, start seeds indoors and transplant them after two months.

How to Propagate Columbines

young columbine shoots

Main Method: Sowing

The primary way to multiply columbines is through sowing. Since the seeds need cold conditions to germinate, it’s best to sow them in autumn under a cold frame or tunnel. You can choose to sow directly in various ways:

  • Biodegradable Pots: Use biodegradable peat pots for an easy start.
  • Directly in the Garden: You can sow directly in the garden without removing them from the pots.

Sowing Tips

If you choose to sow in place, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the Soil: Work the ground by refining the soil and adding compost.
  2. Fill Pots: Prepare pots filled with substrate and compact them lightly.
  3. Sowing:
  • Sow the seeds.
  • Cover them with a thin layer of sieved substrate.
  • Lightly pack the soil.
  • Water gently with a fine spray.
  1. Pricking Out: Once the young shoots are large enough to handle, you can prick them out for transplanting.

Natural Reseeding and Hybridization

Columbines have the unique ability to reseed spontaneously and easily hybridize, meaning the young plants may look different from their parent plants. Feel free to transplant these new plants elsewhere in your garden!

Dividing Clumps

You can also multiply columbines by dividing existing clumps, although this method is more complex due to their deep, fragile taproots. If you choose to divide, follow these steps:

  1. Locate a Clump: Identify a large clump ready for division.
  2. Separate a Sucker: Carefully dig deeply to separate a sucker from the original plant.
  3. Remove the Plant: Lift the plant carefully to avoid damaging the roots.
  4. Prepare the Ground: Dig a planting hole and add well-rotted compost.
  5. Replant: Place the divided plant in the hole, cover with soil, pack lightly, and water generously.


With the right techniques, multiplying columbines can be both enjoyable and rewarding. Their lovely blooms and adaptability make them a fantastic addition to any garden. Whether you choose to sow seeds, allow them to reseed naturally, or divide existing clumps, you’ll be rewarded with beautiful flowers that enhance your garden’s charm. Happy gardening!