How to Prevent Onions from Rotting After Picking

Onions are a staple in kitchens around the world, used in a wide range of dishes from soups to stews. However, proper storage is crucial to ensure they remain fresh and do not rot before you can use them. Here’s how to avoid this common issue:

1. Harvesting at the Right Time

  • Wait for Maturity: Allow onions to mature fully. Harvest them when the bulbs are large, the stems are yellow or brown, and have begun to droop. This usually occurs around early August.
  • Stop Watering: Cease watering the onions 3 to 6 days before harvest to help the skins dry out and the bulbs cure properly.

2. Curing and Drying

  • Drying: After harvesting, let the onions cure in a dry, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. This helps the outer skins dry and harden, which is essential for long-term storage.
  • Removing Soil: Brush off excess soil gently, but do not wash the onions as moisture can promote rot.

3. Proper Storage Conditions

  • Cool and Dry Location: Store onions in a cool, dry place. Humidity and excessive moisture can cause onions to rot. A well-ventilated area is ideal.
  • Avoid Plastic Bags: Use paper bags or mesh sacks instead of plastic bags to allow air circulation around the onions.
  • Separate from Potatoes: Do not store onions near potatoes. Both release moisture and gases that can accelerate spoilage.

How to Grow Them

1. Preparation and Planting

  • Soil Preparation: Ensure well-drained soil with good fertility. Enrich the soil with compost or well-rotted manure.
  • Spacing: Plant onion sets or seeds with adequate spacing to allow for proper bulb development.

2. Care During Growth

  • Watering: Water regularly, especially during dry periods, but avoid overwatering to prevent rot.
  • Weeding and Pest Control: Keep the area free from weeds and check for pests that may harm the onions.

3. Harvesting Tips

  • Check Ripeness: The tops should start to yellow and fall over. Harvest when the bulbs are firm and the tops are completely dry.

Bonus: The Nylon Pantyhose Trick to Preserve Your Onions

Here’s a handy tip for storing onions:

1. Prepare the Pantyhose

  • Choose Clean Tights: Select old, clean tights or pantyhose. Avoid ones with runs or damage.

2. Store the Onions

  • Slide Onions Inside: Place the onions inside the tights, ensuring not to overcrowd them.
  • Tie Knots: Tie a small knot between each onion to keep them separate and prevent rotting from affecting other bulbs.

3. Hang and Store

  • Hang Up: Hang the tights from the ceiling or another suitable spot in a cool, dry, and dark place.
  • Air Circulation: Ensure the area has good ventilation to maintain freshness.

This method also works well for storing shallots and garlic.