Every summer, my grandmother and I discuss the challenges of growing tomatoes, and she often remarks, “My dear, I’ve come to realize that successfully cultivating this delicious fruit is almost an art form!” She’s right. Despite all the care we give our tomatoes, various factors, diseases, and pests can affect plant development and shorten the harvest season. One major issue is the bursting of tomatoes, which leads to cracks and splits. This article explores how to prevent this issue and ensure a healthy, bountiful harvest.

What Exactly is the Bursting Phenomenon?

Cracked or split tomatoes are commonly referred to as the bursting phenomenon. While it’s primarily an aesthetic issue, as you can cut away the affected parts and eat the fruit, there are significant concerns. Once the stalk area is split, the fruit becomes susceptible to diseases and molds. If you plan to keep the fruit on the vine longer to ripen, it’s crucial to take preventive measures.

What Causes Tomatoes to Split?

The primary cause of tomato splitting is water—specifically, sudden and significant changes in irrigation, especially after a dry period. Here are the most common causes:

  • Excessive irrigation or water surges.
  • Periods of drought followed by heavy rainfall.
  • Fluctuations in soil moisture and temperature.
  • Certain tomato varieties with thin skins are more prone to splitting.
  • Intense sunlight and extreme temperatures can also lead to bursting and burning.

How to Prevent Tomatoes from Bursting

Preventing tomatoes from bursting involves a few straightforward precautions:

  1. Avoid Overwatering: Water your tomatoes regularly but moderately. During extreme temperatures, ensure a consistent watering routine. Consider installing a drip irrigation system, which helps maintain the right moisture levels without overwatering. Check out our watering during heatwaves guide to ensure you’re not harming your plants.
  2. Use Mulch: Mulching helps prevent the soil from drying out and protects your plants from overheating. It also maintains surface moisture and offers some protection against heavy rains.
  3. Provide Shelter: Planting tomatoes under a shelter can be highly beneficial. A shelter protects your tomatoes from adverse weather conditions and can also deter birds.

Gardening requires dedication and care, and preventing tomato bursting is a key part of maintaining a thriving garden. With these tips, you can safeguard your tomatoes and enjoy a successful harvest.