What Flower to Plant at the Foot of the Magnolia? Our Top 3 Recommendations

Magnolias are stunning trees and shrubs renowned for their large, leathery leaves and magnificent, solitary blooms. To enhance their beauty, it’s essential to choose complementary flowers that thrive under the same conditions. Here are our top three flower recommendations for planting at the foot of your magnolia:

  1. Hostas
    Hostas are ideal companions for magnolias in shady or partially shaded areas. Their lush foliage contrasts beautifully with the magnolia’s large leaves, and they thrive in similar soil conditions.
  2. Astilbes
    Astilbes are perfect for adding a splash of color and texture to the base of your magnolia. They flourish in moist, shady environments and their feathery blooms in shades of pink, red, and white can brighten up the area.
  3. Heucheras
    Also known as coral bells, Heucheras offer vibrant foliage that ranges from purple to green and adds visual interest throughout the year. They complement magnolias well, especially in shaded or partially shaded gardens.

How to Plant a Magnolia: Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Prepare the Planting Hole
    Dig a hole that is 80 cm on each side and as deep. For chalky soils, mix half garden soil with half leaf or heather compost.
  2. Add a Stake
    Place a stake off-center in the hole to support the magnolia as it grows.
  3. Add Fertilizer
    Sprinkle a few handfuls of base fertilizer into the hole.
  4. Prepare the Root Ball
    Soak the root ball in a tub of water if it is dry. Allow it to drain before planting.
  5. Position the Magnolia
    Place the magnolia in the center of the hole, ensuring the top of the root ball is level with the ground.
  6. Fill the Hole
    Fill around the root ball with soil, tamping it down to remove air pockets. Water the area well.
  7. Support the Tree
    Tie the trunk to the stake, making sure not to tighten the ties too much. Form a cordon around the base with excess soil.
  8. Watering
    Even if the soil is wet, fill the formed bowl with water to ensure adequate moisture.

Flower Choices for Different Garden Types

In a Shade Garden
For shaded areas where magnolias like Magnolia sieboldii thrive, consider pairing them with:

  • Ferns
    Their delicate foliage provides a lovely contrast to the magnolia’s robust leaves.
  • Hellebores
    Blooming in late winter or early spring, they offer early color to complement the magnolia.
  • Camellias
    Their glossy leaves and winter blooms harmonize well with magnolias.

In a Seaside Garden
For coastal environments, choose hardy magnolia varieties like Magnolia grandiflora. Pair them with:

  • Grasses
    Such as Panicum virgatum, which can withstand salt and wind.
  • Berry Bushes
    For added texture and seasonal interest.
  • Rugosa Roses
    Their resilience to coastal conditions makes them a great flowering partner.

In an Exotic Garden
For a tropical feel with magnolias like Magnolia grandiflora Alta, try:

  • Acanthus
    With its dramatic foliage that echoes the magnolia’s lush leaves.
  • Eucomis
    Also known as pineapple lily, it adds a unique touch with its spiky blooms.