As August rolls around, it’s time to think ahead about winter gardening. The right timing and choice of crops are crucial for a successful winter harvest. If you want to ensure your garden remains productive through the colder months, knowing which winter vegetables to plant in August is key. Let’s explore the top three vegetables to sow this month to set yourself up for a bountiful winter harvest.

Top Winter Vegetables to Plant in August

August is an ideal time to prepare your garden for the colder seasons. By planting the right vegetables now, you can enjoy a harvest well into winter. Here are our top three recommendations for winter vegetables to plant this month:

1. Cabbages

Cabbages thrive in cooler weather and are perfect for an August planting. They enjoy rich, well-drained soil and need ample space to grow. Here’s what to consider:

  • Kohlrabi: Plant kohlrabi in soil enriched with compost or well-rotted manure. Space plants 30 cm apart in rows 35 cm apart. Expect a harvest within 10 weeks.
  • Cauliflower: Some varieties can be sown until September and overwinter under cover for a spring harvest.
  • Savoy Cabbage: Plant savoy cabbage up until mid-August in milder climates, spacing them 50 cm apart in all directions.
  • White Cabbage: Also known as smooth-headed cabbage, can be planted until August 20 in milder climates, with a spacing of 50 cm in all directions.
  • Broccoli: Sow or plant broccoli until August or late September in temperate climates. Space them 60 cm apart and protect with a wintering veil.
  • Chinese Cabbage: Sow directly in rich, loose soil until August 20, or even late August in milder climates. Harvest young shoots in just 25 days.
  • Kale: Plant kale until August 10 in temperate climates and until August 25 in milder regions, spacing plants 80 cm apart.

2. Root Vegetables

Root vegetables are hardy and can be sown from February to September. Here’s what you can plant in August:

  • Radishes: Sow radishes from March to September. Harvest in 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Winter Radishes: These are sown from May to September and harvested in winter.
  • Turnips: Plant turnips in light, humus-rich soil. Space rows 30 cm apart and thin out plants to 10 cm apart.
  • Additional Root Vegetables: Consider green dwarf beans, butter beans, extra fine beans, white onions, parsley, and fennel.

3. Leafy Vegetables

Leafy greens are great for cooler weather and can be planted in August:

  • Headed Lettuces: These can be grown all year round and are ideal for sowing until August.
  • Escarole Chicory: Sow escarole chicory until August or September, depending on your climate. Plant in rich, well-drained soil.
  • Rocket: Sow rocket in fresh, well-drained soil from August in a cool or temperate climate. Space seeds 3 cm apart in rows 25 cm apart.
  • Lamb’s Lettuce: Sow lamb’s lettuce in compact, rich soil by broadcasting or in lines 20 cm apart.
  • Spinach: Sow spinach in well-nitrogenated, loose, humus-rich soil. Space plants 20 cm apart in rows spaced 20 cm apart.
  • Swiss Chard: Sow Swiss chard in rows with enriched compost until August in cooler climates. Space plants 40 cm apart in all directions.

Get Your Winter Garden Ready

By planting these winter vegetables in August, you can enjoy a productive garden through the colder months. Each crop has its specific requirements, so make sure to follow the guidelines for spacing and soil preparation to ensure a successful harvest.

Happy gardening! 🌱🍂