Are you interested in adding a stunning, less-common flower to your garden? The peony rose might be just what you’re looking for. Known for its beautiful, full blooms and hardy nature, this unique rosebush can brighten up your garden and make lovely additions to your bouquets. Here’s everything you need to know about planting and maintaining this remarkable flowering shrub.

how to care for peony rose

What is the Peony Rose?

Understanding the Peony Rose

If you adore the classic elegance of roses and the lush fragrance of peonies, the peony rose is a delightful option. Unlike a hybrid of the two, it is a distinct rose variety that mimics the appearance of double-flowered peonies. The blooms are characterized by their rich, full shape and bushy growth habit. Among the various types, the ‘Academia’ is a popular choice. This deciduous shrub blooms from June to October, is hardy enough to withstand temperatures as low as -20°C, and is versatile enough for flowerbeds and hedges alike.

When and How to Plant the Peony Rose

Optimal Planting Times

Rosebushes, including peony roses, are typically planted from autumn to spring. However, the exact timing can vary based on your local climate and whether you’re planting bare-rooted roses or those in containers.

  • Mild Climates: For regions with mild winters and light soil, plant your peony rose towards the end of autumn (November to December).
  • Cold Climates: In colder areas or with heavy soil, late winter to early spring (February to April) is the best time for planting.

Planting Process

  1. Preparation: Start by digging a hole that is 45-50 cm wide and 25-30 cm deep. Add a drainage layer of gravel or sand at the bottom to prevent root rot.
  2. Planting: If you have a bare-root peony rose, trim the stems to the second bud and shorten the roots by about 2 cm. Hydrate the roots in water if they appear dry. Position the plant in the hole, spreading the roots evenly before covering them with soil. Lightly pack the soil and water thoroughly. If needed, add more soil to fill the hole, but avoid pressing it down too hard.
  3. Special Instructions: Peony roses might come coated in red paraffin for protection. Do not remove this coating as it helps prevent drying out. Always check the weather forecast and avoid planting during frost, snow, or heavy rain.
when and how to plant peony rose

How to Maintain the Peony Rose

Care Tips for Thriving Plants

Maintaining a peony rose is quite similar to caring for other rose varieties:

  • Location: Choose a sunny spot for your peony rose to thrive.
  • Watering: Water generously within two weeks of planting in the spring. Thereafter, water once a week during the growing season. Be cautious to avoid wetting the foliage to prevent fungal diseases.
  • Winter Care: If you plant in winter, mound soil around the base of the shrub and cover it with a winter fleece to protect it from harsh conditions.

By following these planting and care guidelines, you can enjoy the beauty of the peony rose in your garden, adding a touch of elegance and charm that will last for years to come.