Grevillea, also known as the Australian silk tree or Grevillea ‘Robyn Gordon’, is a striking shrub admired for its vibrant flowers and diverse foliage. Proper care and maintenance are key to keeping this plant healthy and attractive. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to cultivate, care for, and prune your Grevillea.

how to maintain a grevillea watering pruning pot soil

1. How to Maintain a Grevillea

Planting Location and Conditions:

  • Sunlight: Grevilleas thrive in full sun but can tolerate partial shade. For optimal flowering, ensure it gets plenty of sunlight throughout the day.
  • Soil: Grevilleas prefer well-draining soil. If planting in the ground, amend heavy clay soil with sand and gravel to improve drainage. In containers, use a mix of garden soil and river sand.
  • Temperature: Grevilleas are fairly frost-tolerant, with some varieties surviving temperatures as low as -5°C to -15°C. In colder climates, consider growing Grevillea in pots and moving them to a frost-free location during winter.


  • Frequency: Grevilleas are drought-tolerant once established. Water regularly during the growing season, especially in dry periods, but avoid waterlogging. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings.
  • Method: Water at the base of the plant to keep the foliage dry, which helps prevent fungal diseases.


  • Type: Use a low-phosphorus fertilizer or one specifically designed for native plants. Over-fertilizing, especially with high-phosphorus fertilizers, can harm Grevilleas.
  • Frequency: Fertilize once or twice a year, typically in spring and summer.

Pest and Disease Management:

  • Pests: Grevilleas can be susceptible to pests like spider mites and scale insects. Regularly check the plant and treat any infestations with appropriate insecticides or natural remedies.
  • Diseases: Ensure good air circulation around the plant to prevent fungal infections. Remove any affected leaves or branches promptly.

2. How to Plant Grevillea

how to maintain a grevillea watering pruning pot

Planting in the Ground:

  • Hole Preparation: Dig a hole approximately 50cm wide and deep. Mix in sand and gravel if the soil is clayey to improve drainage.
  • Planting: Soak the root ball in water before planting. Position the plant in the center of the hole, ensuring that the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Fill in the hole with soil and water thoroughly.

Planting in Containers:

  • Container Size: Choose a pot large enough to accommodate the root system. A container with drainage holes is essential.
  • Soil Mixture: Use a blend of garden soil and river sand for good drainage. Place clay balls or broken pots at the bottom of the container to enhance drainage.
  • Planting: Position the Grevillea in the center of the pot and fill with soil mixture. Water thoroughly and place the pot in a bright, sunny location.

3. How to Prune Grevillea


  • After Flowering: Prune Grevilleas after flowering to encourage bushy growth and maintain shape. This is usually done in late summer or early autumn, depending on the variety and flowering period.

Pruning Steps:

  • Cut Back: Reduce the branches by one-third of their length. Focus on removing any damaged, dead, or tangled branches to improve air circulation and light penetration.
  • Shape: To maintain a compact and bushy shape, regularly trim the plant. Grevilleas tolerate heavy pruning and can be shaped into hedges or topiaries if desired.

4. How to Propagate Grevillea

Propagation Methods:

  1. Seed Propagation:
  • Collect Seeds: Harvest seeds from the plant when they start to mature. Soak the seeds in water for 24-48 hours to stimulate germination.
  • Sowing: Sow seeds in moist soil, spaced apart to prevent overcrowding. Place the container in a bright location but out of direct sunlight, or in a greenhouse with temperatures around 15°C.
  • Care: Keep the soil consistently moist until seeds germinate. Once seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant them into individual pots or into the garden.
  1. Cuttings:
  • Preparation: Take cuttings from the plant in late spring or early summer. Use a sharp, clean knife to cut sections about 10-15 cm long, removing the lower leaves.
  • Rooting Medium: Place cuttings in a well-draining rooting medium. Keep the soil moist and provide indirect light.
  • Transplanting: Once roots are well-developed, transplant the cuttings into pots or directly into the garden.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your Grevillea remains healthy, vibrant, and an attractive feature in your garden. Regular maintenance, proper planting techniques, and appropriate pruning will help your plant thrive and continue to produce its stunning flowers.